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  • Hi Guest!

    Feel free to check out Underwear Swimwear Guys as a guest but we'd really love you to join in all the fun. We're just a bunch of friendly and very passionate guys who share a love for underwear and swimwear.

    Just so you know, Underwear Swimwear Guys is and always will be a 100% free site. And don't worry, we don't share your email or details with anyone. The site has been going for over 17 years.

    So, when you're ready, we hope to see you take the plunge, sign up and gain full access to the site (again, 100% free). When you do, you'll be able to comment, post, react to and rate the other members photos. Plus, you'll get your own profile, you'll be able to post in the forums and if you're brave enough, upload some photos of you in your underwear - we definitely want to see them!

Welcome to the new USG (Please Read!)


Staff member
Well, after years of wanting to do this, I've now upgraded USG. Just to catch you up in case you weren't following the announcements and updates at the old USG, here's the scoop: The software running this site is different from the software running the old site. I couldn't just upgrade the old software as the software developers took the software into a different direction and was no longer focused on forums and galleries. BUT... the new software was developed by one of the original programmers of the old software, so the new USG is in most cases a logical upgrade from the old USG.

With that said, there are a LOT of changes but the heart of USG is still forums and galleries.

The galleries, however, are conceptually different so be sure to read below and my entry in the FAQ section on how they work.

Although I have migrated all the old accounts over to this website, I have not moved the old forum posts and photos/albums. Partly because it would take too long to move 17 years worth of forums posts (and who reads forum posts from 2003 anyway?) and the gallery section has a new format so there was no logical way to move photos over. Personally, I'm looking forward to starting from scratch.

The first thing to do after you log in...

I ask you all to set up and/or update your profile. The profile system is far superior and while some of your profile got migrated over from the old USG, some didn't, plus there are more things to set up. Here's the first things your should do with your profile:

  1. You should upload a new avatar/profile photos. Unlike the old USG, your avatar is also your profile photo. It shows up on your profile page and it's what appears next to any forum post or comment. If you don't update it, your avatar is simply a circle with the first letter of your name in it.
  2. Set up a profile header image: Your profile can now contain a header image. This can be any image that you want to decorate your profile. It's got a horizontal format, but you can upload any photo and the software will allow your to position it to make your header image. Just look at my profile to get an idea of what it can be. I chose a photo of me in my jockstrap (on it's side).
  3. Do This! Update your location: Probably the most important step. Although your location was brought over from the new system, you need to update it to a new format. Click here to update your location from the Account Setting of your Preferences Page. Clear any value in the location box and simply start typing in the name of your city and your city, (state) and country should be offered as an option from a drop down list. Choosing your location from the drop down list means member will be able to search other members via their location. If you don't update it and continue to use the old location format, it won't be searchable.
  4. Fill in more Custom Profile Fields. These are further down the Account Details of your Preferences page. Although all these are optional, if you fill in things like the About You, What Do You Like About Underwear, Favorite Underwear Styles, Favorite Movie, Sexual Orientation, Date of Birth, your profile will give others more insight about you and your likes and dislikes.
  5. Fill in your other social media handles: It's optional, but if you have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account, fill in your handle, a link to your social media will appear on your profile page for other to see.
  6. Do This! Update your Privacy Settings. Here you can change your privacy settings - things like who gets to see your posts, photos and galleries. Although the defaults are generally the best settings for the best experience, if you're concerned about your privacy you can change who can see what your post. Just be aware, changing some of these settings could prevent others from finding you, seeing what you post and preventing interactions with other member. If you change who can or can not see your photos then they won't show up in the main gallery/photo page.
  7. Do This! Update your Preferences. Here's where you can set what you are notified of and how you're notified. You can set whether you get an email or notification when other members send you a message, reply to one of your forum posts or comment on one of your photos. Again, turning off too many of these settings will impact your experience and impede your ability to interact with others.
Don't Panic!

The new site may seem daunting and confusing, trust me I know as I just had to learn it all myself - and I'm still figuring things out. Just remember that the old USG was daunting and confusing the first time you encountered it. Please be patient, after a little while our new home will be familiar and fun.

As you start to play around and test things out, it will start making more sense. In many cases, there are many ways to accomplish things. A good place to start is to post something in the forums or head to the Gallery and share a photo or two. Just be aware that the Gallery concept is different from the old USG.

I have written some helpful FAQ entries that explain the galleries, forums and the difference between the two. The galleries here are a bit different and you should read my Gallery FAQ for more details but the condensed version is:

  1. Photos: You can either post photos under Underwear/Swimwear Styles or Photo Challenges section (menu on the left hand side) - these photos MUST be photos of you (i.e. selfies) in underwear, swimwear or gear and posted under the appropriate category.
  2. Albums: Albums are your personal albums and don't show up under the Photo Categories. These albums can be set to public, private, or you can choose which members you'd like to have access to each album. If you set them to public, the photos in the album will appear on the main Gallery page.
Forums: The top bunch of forum categories are to discuss underwear, start polls, ask questions/advice, buy/sell/trade underwear and more. The lower bunch of forum categories are about specific underwear/swimwear/gear styles. Unlike the old USG, you can discuss the styles, post photos of yourself in each style or post some hot photos you've found elsewhere (i.e. a celebrity in a jockstrap, your favorite model in some underwear, some hot photos of a random guy in some wet tighty whities), you can also embed photos from other sites. Unlike the Galleries, the forums are about conversations and discussions.

What Happened to the Social Groups?

Although there is a Social Group addon for this software, I decided not to install it yet. I think the new USG is enough to figure out without the added section. I will, however, eventually be adding Social Groups as the new addon is far superior to the Social Groups on the old USG.

What Happened to My Old Photos?

As the new Gallery section is entirely revamped and a different concept, I couldn't migrate the photos from the old USG over to this new USG. I left the old site running for over 3 months to allow guys to grab their photos but the old site has now shut down. It's time to move forward.

Need Help?

Don't be afraid to try things out. If you make a forum post or post a photo and realize you've posted the wrong thing, posted in the wrong category, forgot to add something then you can simply delete it and try again.

If you have some questions then be sure to read the FAQ pages I'm compiling. My only main complaint about the new software running this website is they didn't provide any help pages. So, slowly but surely, I'm writing them myself.

If you have any specific questions (and I'm sure there will be lots), then just post your question or query in the Questions, Help and Support Forum. Or, you can also send me a private message through the new Conversations system (replacing the Private Message system from the old USG). The only downside to sending your question privately is that others won't benefit from the answer.

Last edited:


Exposure addict...
London, UK
Hi John, I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work, time and money you put into keeping USG going. I'm slowly getting to grips with the new site but hopefully that won't take too long! Yes it's different but change is good and this site seems to have many more options to interact with each other. I can see USG reclaiming its status as my preferred social media site from Twitter :)


Staff member
Hi John, I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work, time and money you put into keeping USG going. I'm slowly getting to grips with the new site but hopefully that won't take too long! Yes it's different but change is good and this site seems to have many more options to interact with each other. I can see USG reclaiming its status as my preferred social media site from Twitter :)

You're very welcome.

I love Twitter too, I mostly use it for the business (Jockstrap Central) but sometimes it's information overload. I use Tweetdeck on my desktop for it and follow a LOT of people so it's more like a tickertape of information constantly updating and scrolling. I do find it's the best way to reach a lot of our customers and fans - and unlike FB and IG, I can post all our dirty content.

Just a friendly reminder, the Location box works differently now. Although the system imported all the old profile location fields, if you go to change it, it has to be updated with the new format. You can start typing your city/town and Google Maps will come up with suggestions of city, state (where applicable) and country. With the updated location field, other members can then search you by location.

I know some guys don't want their city or even country listed, so in those cases, leave it as is as you can't leave it blank. If you try to change it, it has to be the format above. The work-around is to choose a nearby city or town or somewhere else in the world. Or, as I mentioned, leave it as is. Your location right now is simply UK.


Exposure addict...
London, UK
You're very welcome.

I love Twitter too, I mostly use it for the business (Jockstrap Central) but sometimes it's information overload. I use Tweetdeck on my desktop for it and follow a LOT of people so it's more like a tickertape of information constantly updating and scrolling. I do find it's the best way to reach a lot of our customers and fans - and unlike FB and IG, I can post all our dirty content.

Just a friendly reminder, the Location box works differently now. Although the system imported all the old profile location fields, if you go to change it, it has to be updated with the new format. You can start typing your city/town and Google Maps will come up with suggestions of city, state (where applicable) and country. With the updated location field, other members can then search you by location.

I know some guys don't want their city or even country listed, so in those cases, leave it as is as you can't leave it blank. If you try to change it, it has to be the format above. The work-around is to choose a nearby city or town or somewhere else in the world. Or, as I mentioned, leave it as is. Your location right now is simply UK.
Thanks for clarifying how the location box works, I'd missed that bit first time round :)

Deleted member 3098

Well l recently purchased phone and still need to learn how to send photos.First time with this type of group.Even though lm 64 people say l look like lm 45 to 50.Thats been a problem for me on dating sites as l want someone who looks younger but they go by true she not on how l look

Deleted member 3098

Thank you for your hard work.You guys put together a good program where people can express themselves.


Staff member
How can i delete my account?

The answer is in the FAQ (link from main menu). But to save you the time, you simply have to send me a Conversation (private message) through here or send me an email at john@usg-online.com and request your account be deleted.

The only thing to keep in mind is when your account is deleted your photos are removed and can't be reinstated or recovered, it's permanent. You are, however, free to return at anytime.




USG Member
Bruges, Belgium
Could it be possible to add in the forum rules to only post pics of men's underwear or men's swimwear please? There's absolutely nothing wrong with women's clothing but for me that's not what I'm here for.
Could it be possible to add in the forum rules to only post pics of men's underwear or men's swimwear please? There's absolutely nothing wrong with women's clothing but for me that's not what I'm here for.
If you select the "gallery" or "new media" links, you'll see pics fr all categories, including those from women's clothing. If you only want to see pics from specific categories, then you should click on those.

People should be allowed to post in whatever category they want, as long as it's the right one.


USG Member
Bruges, Belgium
If you select the "gallery" or "new media" links, you'll see pics fr all categories, including those from women's clothing. If you only want to see pics from specific categories, then you should click on those.

People should be allowed to post in whatever category they want, as long as it's the right one.

Thanks for the tips, I agree that people should be allowed to post pics of women's clothing in the galleries but I would keep the pics in the forums in seperate topics.

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