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    Cellblock 13 Tight End Snap Jockstrap
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  • Hi Guest!

    Feel free to check out Underwear Swimwear Guys as a guest but we'd really love you to join in all the fun. We're just a bunch of friendly and very passionate guys who share a love for underwear and swimwear.

    Just so you know, Underwear Swimwear Guys is and always will be a 100% free site. And don't worry, we don't share your email or details with anyone. The site has been going for over 17 years.

    So, when you're ready, we hope to see you take the plunge, sign up and gain full access to the site (again, 100% free). When you do, you'll be able to comment, post, react to and rate the other members photos. Plus, you'll get your own profile, you'll be able to post in the forums and if you're brave enough, upload some photos of you in your underwear - we definitely want to see them!

Major Announcement - All Members Please Read


Staff member
Thank you everyone for all the kind words and support. It means a lot to me.

As little bit of good news with my treatments. A while ago, our oncology department sent me over to a liver specialist because I developed a blood clot just above my liver (it was small and already dissolving). They put me on blood thinners first then on this blood pressure pill to stop some minor internal bleeding that occasionally occurred (both a common side effect of the chemo I'm on).

My main problem with my chemo treatments is that my platelets are notoriously low and the treatments were knocking them down further - so although I was supposed to be getting chemo every two weeks, I was lucky to get it every four weeks because of my low platelets.

Well, all of a sudden, my platelets were rebounding fast enough to get chemo every two weeks. I've now had 9 in a row every two weeks and from my latest CT scan the cancer spots are either receding or at least not growing.

I've got my doctors stumped but I'm convinced the blood pressure pill has something to do with it. I brought this up to the liver doctor and her response was that there was no science or research but that doesn't mean it's not responsible for my platelets to rebound fast enough to get regular treatments.

Anyway, just a minor update. We are continuing with the retirement plan, just not sure how fast it will all happen and in what form.

I will keep everyone posted.


A big thank you for this explanation. So very sorry to hear this. Best wishes as you do what is the right thing for yourself. I love this site. It is so outrageous! I hope it survives in some form. But of secondary importance when considering your life options. Jay


Looking to swap/trade underwear speedos and gear
wishing you all the best very glad to hear the good news about your treatments

love the site also and hope it keeps going as strong as it is now...you have done such an amazing job with this site to have kept it running for so long...love that you have given us a site to share our pics...stories etc with everyone else that are into the same thing as us...it is very hard to find any other site like this still around for us all that have such a huge underwear and speedo etc fetish

thanks again for everything you do



Horny as hell.
Yay for small miracles. Glad to hear about the good news with the platelets. Let’s hold they hold up long enough for you to get the necessary health care you need! I’m rooting for you!

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